Thursday, September 08, 2005

al Qaim, I saw, I conquered

When I get tired of the same old stories I sometimes turn to Pravda for amusement and it usually provides just that. The current edition gives us, along with stories like:
"Someone in the government of Thailand had a penis enlargement operation" a more disturbing report about an Iraqi city near the syrian border, now occupied by al Qaeda mercenaries which has proclaimed itself the Islamic Republic of Qaim.

"Last weekend terrorists under the leader of Iraqi cell of al-Quaida, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi entered the city. They declared it the Islamic Republic, hoisting the flag of their organization, which is a sun on the black field. "

Public executions of policemen, local authorities and everyone who is suspected of collaboration with occupation forces began in the city. Militants replaced the existing court with Shariat's law and declared the formation of the Islamic Republic. Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Qaim, the poster at the city entry reads."

Despite the constant wail from Fox Gnus about how the press is giving us a grim view of our occupation of Iraq, I'm starting to think that - just maybe - the truth is grimmer.

Pravda reports, you decide.

1 comment:

Crankyboy said...

Just finished my copy of Pravda but I read it in Russian to get the full meaning lost in translation. That Qaim article was all about strip malls going up with Blockbuster stores and Dairy Queens going up. I report. I decide.