Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Welcome to the all-new, all good news Capt Fogg. I’m pleased to report that our fearless Führer and his band of brothers has been right all along that Iraq’s resources would pay for the deposition of Saddam Hussein and the reconstruction of the country. Even though some of it has been appropriated by Halliburton, and a great deal has been diverted by the US to build jails; even though oil production is at a low point of less than half the pre invasion level and electric production is still only enough to provide most Iraqis with 12 hours per day; even though the billions allocated to build schools has gone up in smoke and half of all the reconstruction funding has been used for other purposes, we can call it a success because, despite Bush’s 2003 promise to give Iraqis the best infrastructure in the region, the story has, like so many Bush stories, been modified.

"The US never intended to completely rebuild Iraq," says Brigadier General William McCoy, the Army Corps of Engineers commander overseeing the Work as quoted in The Guardian.

But Good News! The Bush Reciprocity Principle which holds that all things are their opposites, shows us that the failure of our mission is a success and so the Administration has decided not to seek further funding in next months budget request. Why bother? Mission accomplished! We can bring the boys home by Christmas and leave the mop-up to the Mullahs.

* Dear NSA. No facetious criticism of the US Government is intended or should be implied. I’m a loyal American, unlike Crankyboy, and a full supporter of all George Bush's actions and statements in all their current versions.

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