Sunday, January 22, 2006

The vermin under the rock

My local paper, like many others these days, has added a feature to their on-line version that allows people to post comments to articles. Often there are none, sometimes, one or two, but if the headline contains the words rape, murder or molester, there can be dozens. They tend to be similar enough that one sees patterns.

Yesterday, an article ran that mentioned a certain piece of evidence would be withheld from jurors in a case involving the abduction and beating of an 82 year old victim. A bloody shirt had been obtained without warrant.
At least one letter advocated the murder of “liberal activist judges.” Another insisted that the country was being swallowed up by crime because of the L. A. J. legislating from the bench. Another insisted that crime was soaring because the courts couldn’t convict anyone, the hands of the police were tied and Liberals like me were at fault. My inevitable reply was to the effect that in fact these were very conservative judges, enforcing the letter of the law and that the law was put there to protect them from the Big Government they used to yell about before their party became Big Government. “It’s not Liberal Activist Judges,” I argued, “It’s the Constitution.”

“Ted Kennedy.” was his reply.

“I have no objection to the Police searching my home at random,” said the irrational voice. “I’d like to see some third world harshness return to our courts,” he added after some gratuitous mentions of Ted Kennedy. I responded to him, mentioning that better enforcement and better police were a better solution, but of course that smelled too much like taxes and he went off the deep end: “Ted Kennedy – Ted Kennedy!”

With the vast network of rabble rousing media underlying the American culture, people like this who listen to hate radio, listen to hate sermons and spend Friday Night sitting in bars glad-handing their hate-filled brown-shirted compatriots have all the impetus they need to continue their America bashing in the face of contradictory previous statements and in defiance of all facts. In fact what they really do want is something like Cuba or Haiti, foolishly thinking that there is a country that will kill weirdos on sight while protecting their private property and their safety. I won’t pull any punches – I think they’re psychotic.

The important facts, of course, are that we do have the harshest punishments of any modern nation, the most people in jail, lower taxes than most and that violent crime has been decreasing for over a decade. Moreover, the prosecutors in this case have an overwhelming amount of damning evidence. The man is likely to get a life sentence.

We do not have a political debate in America; we have something more akin to the replacement of Neanderthals with modern humans – only this time the rude beasts are making progress. The Mainstream Media, hungry for ratings, is joining the America Bashing, the lying, the calls to violence, the constitution bashing and the ignoring of stories that call the scenario into question.

The Republicans have courted the Devil, letting him think he’s smart, reasonable and valuable in order to use him to advance their persecution of civilization. Sooner or later the Devil will have his due.


phinky said...

Good luck with the Koufax Awards!

Capt. Fogg said...

I was hoping for a Pulitzer, but hey. . .