Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A less sophisticated man

I was going to title this "George Bush admits his stupidity" but although that's exactly what he did, I didn't want to sound like Fox News. I also considered "Bush admits Democrats are smarter" which he did, but I'm feeling kindly today.

An item in Raw Story this afternoon quotes Bush's answer to a journalist's question as to why he used the words "Cut and Run" to describe the Democrats' concerns over an exit plan from Iraq.

"You know, I -- nobody's accused me of having a real sophisticated vocabulary. I understand that. And maybe their -- their words are more sophisticated than mine, but when you pull out before the job is done, that's cut and run as far as I'm concerned."

A man of over 60 years and who has a degree from Harvard and doesn't have the vocabulary of an average 6th grade public school kid has little excuse other than an inferior mind. But we knew that. A more sophisticated man might even be concerned with questioning what the job is or whether it's worth the cost or whether it's possible. A more sophisticated man might not see everything in binary terms, might not see his opinions as infallible - but he's a less sophisticated man and he admits it.

1 comment:

d.K. said...

Sad but true. I had an interesting water-cooler conversation about just this thing today at work. We talked about a president refuses to even listen to contrarian opinions and is so sure of his decisions because he's being guided by God, thanks to his "rebirth." We talked about the other pitfall, that of President Clinton, who invited all sorts of opinions to weigh in on difficult, complex issues, and then, despite his clear brillance, had trouble making a firm, timely decision on issues, because he essentially had too much information to process. He would eventually roll the dice and had a remarkably successful foreign policy over the 8 years, with a few notable exceptions which he readily admits - something the current president is completely incapable of doing. Nice post, as always.