Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Just how many worms are in that can?

People who oppose same sex marriage will usually tell you it's unnatural. Evidence for this is that they don't like it, God doesn't like it, that it doesn't produce children or that homosexuality, like religion, books and rock & Roll does not occur in nature and therefore shouldn't be condoned by man.

In all probability, no one not afflicted with some form of idiocy, such as Fundamentalism or a seat in Congress, would be unable to expose these arguments as unworthy of credence, but the credo so often expressed by religidiots who oppose homosexual relationships because our function is to breed, have argued themselves into a corner.

Enter the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance [stage left of course.] The group , formed after Washington courts upheld a gay marriage ban, has filed an initiative in that State requiring married couples to produce children within three years or have their marriages annulled. Of course they can't have any expectation that it will pass into law, but it will be interesting to see the believers wriggle out an explanation for rejecting it, if in fact they believe that marriage is only justified as a baby producing scheme.

What of infertile couples who adopt children? Shall we annul their contracts? if not, then why not allow Gay adoptive parents? You really can't argue God's will here since God could produce a man from mud (and supposedly did) or impregnate an unmarried virgin (and supposedly did.) So if God wants Adam and Steve to have kids, he can handle it. You got a problem with allowing God some free will Preacher?

That homosexuality is observed in nature can't really be disputed. It can only be denounced as fraud from a position of religious evidence-blindness. If it is observable in animals, it cannot then be written off as unnatural behavior by definition nor denounced as an unnatural choice by religious conviction since animals are not capable of making moral choices: not having eaten a mythological fruit from a metaphorical tree. What occurs in nature is by definition natural.

As to whether God likes it or not, it all depends on your God and his or her (or their) forthrightness in expressing itself and the consequences of her displeasure. Since we can all agree that we have free will, I choose Rafafu, the god of a West Papuan tribe of tree-dwelling cannibals called the Kombai and frankly my dear, Rafafu doesn't give a damn what they do in Washington. If anyone wishes to contradict my Rafafian beliefs, they're welcome to parachute into the jungle and discuss it with the Kombai.

Now since the government is strictly forbidden by the Constitution to tell you who God is or wants or should be dealt with, I'm breathlessly waiting for the State of Washington to admit that their ban is illegal


d.K. said...

Google should send you a thank you card. I usually have to go there after reading your posts to augment my knowledge of something or another after having my curiosity tweaked. This time, the subject is Rafafu, about whom, I'm about to become a lot more familiar. ;-)

Thanks for putting your considerable wit and clear perspective to use on another issue which mainly the Right has managed to garble and demonize at the expense of millions of innocent people.

Capt. Fogg said...

You can find out more about good old Rafafu ( sometimes called Refarfu) by watching Living with the Kombai on the Travel Channel.

It's marvelous to hear a Kombai elder praise the great creator Rafafu who gave mankind this great paradise full of snakes, bats, rats and maggots to eat. All he asks in return is to toss a bit of fat into the river when you kill an animal.

But really since all beliefs held independent of evidence are equal, why not pick one that fits?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I'll pick the ancient Egyptian religion and see if I can apply to be a goddess. :-)

RR said...

Is it that the number of irrational people is growing? ... or are we just hearing more of their lunacy?

How rock-solid confidence in the unknown (faith) has become the cornerstone of American politics is a mystery to me... and it will be one of the causes of the downfall of this society.

Well, if you can't beat em, join em: how do I join up with the Kombai?